ERP Solution

Eco X

Dive Into the New Age of Accelerated Automation

aggregated eco system

Integrated Platform as a Service (iPaaS)

Software As A Service (SaaS)

Enterprise optimisation: (HCM, SCM, ERP, CRM, GRC, ESG)

Eco X is an Enterprise Information Management platform (EIM) and Process Optimisation Framework with over 100+ integrated modules used for Digital Transformation.

Integrated platform as a service (iPaaS)| Framework is designed for agile enterprise automation | Integration capabilities – Cloud Platform/optimised Data Architecture | Integrated document + records management | Product Managers | IT Managers | Testers I Software Developers | DevOps Engineers | Data Scientists | Network Administrator
  • One source of the truth
  • Low-code approach + quicker deployment

  • Transparency

  • Collective learnings

  • Cost efficiencies

  • Size doesn’t matter

  • Integrated Eco-System

Our Services

Process Mapping AS-IS and TO-BE

Our exclusive partner networks brings together leading industry experts who will architect and implement your automation vision.

One Platform

One Platform That Connects Them All​

Give your users a single interface that talks to all your legacy systems.

data insights

Data Insights

Eco X uses Artificial Intelligence and advanced data processing providing you with real time strategic insights with built in Workflow.

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We integrate with your ecosystem

Eco X runs on Microsoft Azure, AWS or On-Premise and has thousands of APIs that enable real time data transfer across all protocols, networks and systems.
Enterprise Information Management Platform
eco x partner program

Partner Program

Collaborate with us to explore untapped markets and customer segments, leading to increased revenue and substantial business growth.

Eco X More Than Just an ERP system

Fully customizable, each module can be configured to meet your business needs. Speak to us on how we can help.